Sunday, December 28, 2008

Berlin is home

She kept a positive and brave attitude even though she wanted to be home playing with her toys Christmas night and even though she had to get an IV after being told mistakingly earlier that she wouldn't have to get any shots if she went to the hospital. Fortunately she doesn't have to have surgery. She has to wear a back brace for 2 months and has to be extremely cautious as to not fall, trip, or slip which for a four year old is going to be a challenge. Even though she is frustrated and doesn't want to wear the brace she is happy to be home with her family, cats, and toys. She wants to share with everyone that she was very brave when she got what she calls a blood test(IV).

I want to personally thank everyone for their prayers and well wished. It really does make a huge difference.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Prayer request for an Angel

Sweet little Berlin broke 8 vertebrae and 1 rib Christmas night. This is very scary because her T8 vertebrae is missing 80% of its mass due to the last fracture. It's not known yet if she will need surgery but, please get out your praying pads because she needs as much help as she can get. We all do. She is such a trooper. While the medics were getting her ready to be moved, she was telling them about her favorite color and princesses. When Kat and I got there, I asked her how she was doing and she gave me a thumbs up.

It's sad and yet a testimony to the human spirit that a 4 year old has had enough experience with getting hurt that she can deal with it like an adult.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Buffy is a little Christmas Theif

Little miss Buffy searched out and stole her Christmas gift. When I finally got it back, I hid it in the pocket of my recliner. It was completely hidden so I went to the restroom. Guess who walked in with her gift? She found it by smell. Needless to say, it's now hidden somewhere that unless she grows thumbs, she isn't going to get it.