Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I got the Job

Full blown Engineer.

Jeremy Roberson
Owner, RUMBA Computer Systems
Bus. Website:

" Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss, you'll still be among the stars."

Surgery Update

Just an update.  The final date for my surgery is September 21st.  Location Mayo Clinic.  Leg partition Right Femur. 
The surgery will consist of removing the titanium plate and screws and then cutting my femur in half where it is severely arced.  They will then re align the two pieces and put a rod through the femorial head down through my femur.  My biggest worry is that they may break the femorial neck when putting the rod in or break my femur more while taking the screws out. 
I'll be in the hospital for a week or so and then will head home.  I'll be pretty much stuck in bed for about 2 months and then if everything is healing properly, I can start putting very minimal pressure on my leg again.  At three months, assuming everything is going well, I can start putting normal pressure on my leg. 

Jeremy Roberson
Owner, RUMBA Computer Systems
Bus. Website:

" Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss, you'll still be among the stars."

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ballistic Diving Stick

You may recall that I was injured by a ballistic diving stick early last week.  I found the diving stick that hit me.  Apparently it hit me so hard that the tip of it split open and some of the sand spilled out.  I'm keeping it as a trophy.

Jeremy Roberson
Owner, RUMBA Computer Systems
Bus. Website:

" Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss, you'll still be among the stars."

Medical Update

Nothing to do but wait and pray.  Mom has the worst type of staph infection and there are only a few antibiotics that can be used to fight it.  be used to fight it.  Her CAT scan showed up clear which, is great.  We just have to hope and pray that she keeps fighting.  She is becoming more coherent though, which is a big relief. 

P.S.  My leg is doing better, I'm able to stand without much trouble.

Jeremy Roberson
Owner, RUMBA Computer Systems
Bus. Website:

" Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss, you'll still be among the stars."

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The sky's are dark and they suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

I won't go into all of the details out of respect for my mom, but she is back in the hospital and going into surgery today.  Everyone keep your prayers in motion.  This is a very criticle time.
On a different note, I fractured my right Tibia.  A balistic diving stick hit my tibia square on while I was sitting pool side.