Sunday, January 11, 2009

Daily Log 01/11/2008

Woke up at 2PM again. Tried sleeping on my side without any success. The pain was just too much. Crystal brought over a wonderful dinner for Kat and I for which we are very grateful. Kat drove us to WalMart today to pick up some groceries. The trip including getting in and out of the car was still remarkably painful. Apparently we were both impacted by the accident more than we thought. On the way to WalMart, we were headed North on Rittenhouse and a truck made a left into the suicide lane but, it nearly gave me a heart attack. Instinctively, I yelled "Oh my god" because I thought he was going to do the same thing the car that caused our accident did. Obviously he didn't but, it still scared the crap out of me. Kat had to clean the fish tank because I couldn't. I can't even pour my coffee carafe into my coffee maker.


Eldredge Family said...

I think Kat did a great job building the telephone booth! It is really nice looking! I like the color of it! I am sorry you and Kat are going through such a hard time. I am trying my hardest to keep you noisy neighborhood kids quite so you can Sleep! Honestly I am trying! Did you get your shoulder checked out yet? Hope you start to feel better. Your both in our prayers and thoughts.

Eldredge Family said...

FYI I made those good cookies!