Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Buffy is a little Christmas Theif

Little miss Buffy searched out and stole her Christmas gift. When I finally got it back, I hid it in the pocket of my recliner. It was completely hidden so I went to the restroom. Guess who walked in with her gift? She found it by smell. Needless to say, it's now hidden somewhere that unless she grows thumbs, she isn't going to get it.


Anonymous said...

That's funny! Just watch, tomorrow you'll wake up to Buffy dropping the toy on your bed.

Anonymous said...

^ Shawn

Eldredge Family said...

I love Buffy! I think I would look into her big eyes and have to just let her keep it! Buy her something else for Christmas! You should make a little reindeer antler and strap it to the top of her head like on the Grinch that stole Christmas! Take a few pics! That would be classic!

Liz said...

Thanks Jeremy for the laugh! My moms dog used to do the same things so we hung his stocking from the very top of the tree. He would lay there everyday watching his gift. So funny how dogs just know! Merry Christmas Buffy!

The Atkinson's said...

hahahaah smarty pants