Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Xmas Decorating Contest

I lost. Didn't even come in in the top 3. I got a consoalation prize of $25 however.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

My latest Dr. Appointment

Great news! The bone is healed. I'm going to start some physical therapy and slowly get back to standing and driving. Yah!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 09, 2005

X-Mas Display

All of the lights were put up using only Duck Tape. Macguiver would be proud.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

X-Rays from Mayo

Before surgery

3 Days after surgery

Nov. 3rd

As you can all see, this unfortunately indicates that I am healing very slowly. The good news is that I am healing.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Erin is a new Mom

On Saturday, November 5, 2005, at 7:37AM, Jayden Lee Thein was born.

Weight: 6 lbs. 13 oz.
Length: 20-1/2 in.
Dark brown hair and blue eyes.

Mother and son are doing well.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Thursday, November 03, 2005

News from my Post OP Visit

Great news. My femur is almost perfectly straight and healing on it's own. It's healing slowly, however, this is to be expected because of my disease. I'm now allowed to put minimal weight on my leg i.e. to transfer from my chair to bed etc. In another month, I will be allowed to start standing with help. My next appointment is in 6 weeks at which point, I will be able to start physical therapy if the bone has healed enough.

It's kind of interesting to note that my femur is almost entirely steel. Because of the size of my femur, the reamed out most of my femur to increase the internal diameter enough to get the nail through. So, my femur is composed almost entirely of the nail with a bone shell.

All of my X-Rays are digital, so I'll try and get some copies and post them.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Brenna's 2nd B-Day

Here is an example of what you can do with pictures.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


I'm doing better but, it's been a harder adjustment than I originally anticipated.  Pain is becoming more manageable but, frustration is still a big issue.  Not being able to go places or see people when I want is driving me crazy.  I'm managing though.  I really appreciate everyone's support.  My mom is doing much better, so I made her aware of the surgery sometime back.  She cried a little but, I think she understands. 
Justin is however, having some trouble.  Since the surgery, he has been sick everyday and his pelvis and femurs are now causing him extreme pain.  He has a slew of tests coming up.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

I made it through surgery

Well, the surgery went great and I'm at home resting now.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Update on mom's condition

Mom is doing much better.  They think she might be able to go home at the end of the month.  Her spirits are very high with the help of a small kitten named Kismet II and the support and love of her friends and family, especially the hard work Aimee has put in.  Her wounds are healing...slowly but, progress is being made. 

Jeremy Roberson
Software Engineer
GTCO Calcomp


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The nightmares have started.

As the surgery looms closer , the nightmares begin.  So far, I have been wheeled out of the operating room without my leg and with a broken tibia but a corrected femur.  Sorrow and misery seem to be stalking me and I fear they may strike while I'm under the knife. 

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Impending Surgery

Pre-Op is 6 hours long and is scheduled for Sep. 16th.  As the day approaches, my nerves are becoming more salient.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Erin and her Belly

Her belly just keeps growing and growing....light is unable to escape the gravitational pull that is her belly...

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I got the Job

Full blown Engineer.

Jeremy Roberson
Owner, RUMBA Computer Systems
Bus. Website:

" Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss, you'll still be among the stars."

Surgery Update

Just an update.  The final date for my surgery is September 21st.  Location Mayo Clinic.  Leg partition Right Femur. 
The surgery will consist of removing the titanium plate and screws and then cutting my femur in half where it is severely arced.  They will then re align the two pieces and put a rod through the femorial head down through my femur.  My biggest worry is that they may break the femorial neck when putting the rod in or break my femur more while taking the screws out. 
I'll be in the hospital for a week or so and then will head home.  I'll be pretty much stuck in bed for about 2 months and then if everything is healing properly, I can start putting very minimal pressure on my leg again.  At three months, assuming everything is going well, I can start putting normal pressure on my leg. 

Jeremy Roberson
Owner, RUMBA Computer Systems
Bus. Website:

" Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss, you'll still be among the stars."

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ballistic Diving Stick

You may recall that I was injured by a ballistic diving stick early last week.  I found the diving stick that hit me.  Apparently it hit me so hard that the tip of it split open and some of the sand spilled out.  I'm keeping it as a trophy.

Jeremy Roberson
Owner, RUMBA Computer Systems
Bus. Website:

" Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss, you'll still be among the stars."

Medical Update

Nothing to do but wait and pray.  Mom has the worst type of staph infection and there are only a few antibiotics that can be used to fight it.  be used to fight it.  Her CAT scan showed up clear which, is great.  We just have to hope and pray that she keeps fighting.  She is becoming more coherent though, which is a big relief. 

P.S.  My leg is doing better, I'm able to stand without much trouble.

Jeremy Roberson
Owner, RUMBA Computer Systems
Bus. Website:

" Reach for the sky because even if you should happen to  miss, you'll still be among the stars."

Thursday, July 14, 2005

The sky's are dark and they suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

I won't go into all of the details out of respect for my mom, but she is back in the hospital and going into surgery today.  Everyone keep your prayers in motion.  This is a very criticle time.
On a different note, I fractured my right Tibia.  A balistic diving stick hit my tibia square on while I was sitting pool side. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The sky is clearing

Everyone is out of the hospital and doing well.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Justin is doing much better

Justin is doing much better, he's talking and moving around. Turns out he also had a bad staph infection.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Things just got really bad with Justin

He came out of surgery great last night. He was awake and talking and his pain was under control. They didn't move him into ICU because he was doing so well. He was put in a regular room. I just found out that last night, his drainage pump broke and the nurses didn't know how to fix it so they left it. Meanwhile, the CSF was backing up into his head and getting infected. My sister called the on call surgeon and he said Justin could wait until tomorrow. Fucking lazy doctors. He's now completely incoherent and unable to move. They just took him in for an emergency MRI. Needless to say, he's now were he should have been in the first place, the ICU. Unfortunately, his psychotic Biological mother is back. She seems to be keeping herself under control though. We made it pretty clear how we feel.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Animal planet in my sisters neighborhood

My friend was outside my sister Krishna's house having a smoke when out of no were a hawk swooped down and snatched up one of the neighbors cats.  The cat was walking across the street.  It was around 930PM.  The hawk took the cat back to a palm tree across the street and ate it.  I wouldn't have believed him had I not heard the hawk screeching.  That and the sound of it eating the cat.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Family Crisis

Tuesday I found out that my mom had fallen and broken her femur and that my brother in law Justin was in the ER for a severe migraine. Wednesday, I find out that Justin's MRI shows a huge mass on his Cerebellum. At that point, my sister falls apart. This has always been her greatest fear. Based on the MRI, it is definitely cancerous so they schedule him for surgery on Friday. They wanted to try and get the swelling in is brain down. The tumor was pushing is brain out of his skull. Thus the sever migraine. He went into brain surgery around 4PM Friday. The surgery was 6.5hours long. Around 7 or 8PM, I had a bad feeling with regard to my mom so I had my sister Aimee go to her house and check on her. I couldn't leave the ICU waiting room. I'm glad I had my sister check, mom was pretty close to dieing. I had my sister call 911 so that we could get her into the ER ASAP. Since I was already at the hospital with Justin, I met mom at the ER. Around 1045PM or so, Aimee stopped by the ER. She took my place in the ICU waiting room. The tumor was a lot worse than expected. Mom was severely dehydrated, anemic, had a UTI infection and along with her broken femur, looks like she has fractures in both hips. Possibly more, their doing a full body bone scan today. She is comfortable though. Justin is awake and talking but very scared and in lots of pain. He is going to be in the ICU until the pathology reports get back mid/end of this week. They suspect the cancer is level 3 which, statistics give him 2-3 years.